Monday, November 2, 2009

Can't read my p-p-p-poker face

My mother is worried about me. I know this because she believes I've gone insane and has tried to tell me many times that people love me. You might be sitting there, all alone at home, wrapped in your Snuggie, wondering why people would be worried about me. "That Connor," you say to yourself "is such a happy person. He's got a great attitude. Why would people worry about him?!"

The answer is all about a game of cards, and my inability to control my emotions while playing them. My "poker face" if you will. Allow me to explain.

I love playing Hearts. It's pretty much one of my most favorite activities of all time (the other being scrap-booking). Sometimes I play online, but more frequently I'll just play the version of the game that comes installed by default on Microsoft Windows. My goal in this scenario is to keep my win percentage at 50% or higher. It's actually really hard.

In the default Windows version of this game, you can rename your computer opponents to whatever you like. So I chose to name them after some of my work colleagues (Marina, Cassie, and Alexis). Now, whenever I play against the computer, I'll sometimes get angry when they beat me and I'll unleash a stream of exuberant profanities. But my parents don't understand the situation, and they think that I'm infuriated at my old workmates for some elaborate personal reason, and that my emotional control is slowly breaking down. I'm pretty sure this is what Lady GaGa was going through when she wrote that hit song about her poker face.

I think it was called "Just Dance" or something.

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