Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Blog entry? Check!

I like to set goals for myself. Not because I’m an over-achiever, but because I like to check items off a “to-do” list and make the little check mark symbol in the air. “Daily bowel movement? Check!” This has not made me popular in the men’s room stalls.

One of my personal goals is to become a regular at the wine bar across the street from my place. To that end, I have been forcing myself to go eat dinner there twice a week. I want the bartenders/hostesses/owners there to know my name and what kind of drink I prefer. I also want them to cheer “Connor!” when I walk through the doors and possibly give me a hug. That’s reasonable.

Sadly, there is a problem with my amazing plan: I don’t know how to say the name of the wine bar, and enough time has gone by that I feel weird asking. The name is “Brix” but is this pronounced like “Bricks” or “Bree”? The only solution I can come up with is to get hammered, pass out and conveniently tumble off my barstool, then “come to” and pretend to be disoriented as I ask “Where am I?” Then wait expectantly for someone to answer my question.

Tactful solution to a trivial problem? Check!

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