I'm in a Greenberry's coffee shop right now as I write this. There is a man sitting right in front of me who is getting really wrapped up in the Christmas music that's playing over the speakers. I think there may be something wrong with him to be totally honest, but it doesn't look like he's mentally retarded. He's just seriously jamming out to the Mariah Carey tunes.
He's now half-singing "All I Want For Christmas Is You". And when I say half-singing, it's like he wants to belt out the song at the top of his lungs, but he's semi-aware that he's in a public setting. But he also appears to be physically unable to resist his urge to sing this song. So this internal struggle creates a situation where he's kind of very quietly singing, but with a strange sense of urgency in his voice. It's really weird.
I'm avoiding all eye contact with him. I wish there was another table available. He was violently tapping his toes earlier with beat of "The Little Drummer Boy" and he touched my table and made it rock. I almost moved.
silly connor. you've violated the first two rules of capturing awkward moments:
rule number: tell it through a fake conversation.
rule number 2: illustrate with poorly done stick figures.
clearly, your post would have been better if you had done this.
You mean immaculately done stick figures. Immaculately.
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