Monday, October 12, 2009

Rock Bottom.

Ok, I just finished watching the latest episode of How I Met Your Mother. There was a joke on there that led me to do research on Celine Dion (btw, thank you Canada!). That led me to YouTube, which led me to watching Celine's music video of "All By Myself."

I am alone, in my apartment. Drinking a beer. Unemployed. 1:30am. Watching Celine Dion's "All By Myself" on YouTube.

When people ask me if I've ever hit rock bottom, I'm going to remember this night.


shiva said...

What if last night was your Best Night Ever?

shoa said...

Connor, all of your entries are hilarious, but this one really stood out.

Writer said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Writer said...

Connor, How I Met Your Mother should be in italics.

shiva said...

eurotrip is on tbs.

shiva said...

moar blog plz

polipop! said...

what comment was deleted? also, you are a fantastic blogger. your stuff is so funny and original. you're my favorite. if not favorite, my definite second favorite. i only really read two blogs. my two favorite blogs.