Friday, August 13, 2010

Elaborate build-up, followed by disappointment (that's what she said?)

"Oh, why hello there Mr. President. I didn’t see you there in the corner. Yes, I’m doing quite well, thank you for asking. The project? Operation Rainbow is proceeding on schedule. That’s right, I’ve managed to overcome all the substantial technical hurdles. Why yes, as a matter of fact, I am aware of my prodigious intellect but I appreciate the compliment nonetheless.       

What’s that you say? You’re worried about the tree-huggers finding out about Operation Rainbow and raising objections? What could they object to?! All we’ve done is create a hybrid puma/rhinocerous, fed it nothing but human blood, then equip it with a 100kW laser and strap it to a rocket. Why would anyone object if we unleash an Abomination Unto the Lord against our enemies? Oh, poppycock. I think they’ll be proud of the scientific hurdles that we’ve blindly cleared to accomplish this goal.        

Well, I suppose you can always contact me if you have further concerns. But please not on Tuesday evenings. That’s when I karaoke. Hmm? Oh, you need a business card? Why of course. I would be happy to present you with this elegant symbol of my professionalism."

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