Monday, August 8, 2011

Fat cats and asshats

This guy at work is being a total dick. He just swaggered over to our engineering group and he tries to nonchalantly start a conversation about how smart and great he is.

"I hope you guys didn't have any money in the stock market."

Of course we all did.

He smugly continues. "I'm not one for playing the market much, but this situation was entirely predictable."

Concentrating angrily on our computer screens and refusing to look at his self-satisfied, gloating face, the rest of us just nod wordlessly in acknowledgement.

"Yup yup yup," he continues to preen. "I got out three months ago."

Nobody says anything.

"Entirrrrrrrely predictable."

Then he saunters away without receiving a single reply from anyone in our group. What an asshat.

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